
轉型正義電影《夜晚尤其是》影評:西班牙故事另一種迷人的樣子 Review of “ Foremost by Night”

2024 年台北電影節「國際新導演競賽獎」今年邁入舉辦 20 週年里程碑。國新導演是未來世界影壇的大師,新銳導演常能為觀眾與創作者帶來看待世界的嶄新視角、並有著穿透既有人文陋規的創作能量,是最敢於挑戰文明傲慢與威權打壓的影視圈活水發言者。

Taipei Film Festival “International New Director Competition Award” reaches the milestone of its 20th anniversary in 2024. Emerging directors have so much potential in the future. They bring audiences and creators a new perspective on the world, and have the creative energy to penetrate the existing bad norms of human culture. They are the ones who dare to challenge the arrogance and authoritarian suppression of civilization.

今年共入選的 10 部入圍電影中,入圍片《夜晚尤其是》是來自於西班牙聖賽巴斯提安影展選片人維克多・伊利亞特(Víctor IRIARTE)選而優則導、首部執導的劇情長片。此片便是帶有揭露歷史醜聞的故事題材、也挑戰了倫理道德界線的一部具有控訴性的藝術電影。

One of the 10 nominated films this year “Foremost by Night”( Sobre todo de noche ) by Víctor IRIARTE, which is an accusatory art film that exposes historical scandals and challenges ethical and moral boundaries.


This movie is based on the “phenomenon of stolen babies” during the Franco regime in Spain. It describes a mother who lost her baby. After learning that the child was alive, she found the child and the adoptive mother. And she planed an act of revenge.

The story of “a David versus Goliath spectacle” is not unusual, the multi-type chapter narrative method and the whispering narrative from the perspective of the bystander make “Foremost by Nigh” unique among the crowd.

When we praise femininity, we should regard this beautiful personality trait as “the spiritual foundation that all human beings should possess.” This transformational justice film uses this kind of protagonist to fight against the forces of power and historical mistakes. Her neither humble nor overbearing attitude has become the charming personality of this film.

難以想像, 1990 之前,西班牙共計有三十萬名嬰兒,就這樣被處理掉、母嬰從此分離。


It is unimaginable that before 1990, 300,000 babies in Spain were separated from their mothers.

The biological mother in the movie finally found her child and the child’s adoptive mother. The interaction between the three of them did not go in any dramatic direction. Even talking about revenge, this character just declared it elegantly and with a martyr-like piety, which was beyond the passion after being blinded by hatred. 


The film always maintains a calm consciousness and does not easily let itself and the audience fall into the trap of a revenge drama. The film narrates the eternal trauma caused by this historical scar on the people, leading the audience to think: Who should be responsible for the harm they suffered? This clever revenge drama is no gore, her determination like a painting “Portrait of the Virgin”.


Even the outcome of the secret revenge plan in the film is full of suspense. All that is left is the murmur at night at the end of the film: “No one saw us, but we are always there, like ghosts. Dear child, never forget us, one day, we will come back again.”

A confession like a few verses, this is the ultimate meaning of the story of transformational justice that needs to be relayed and passed on until the government in power honestly admits, apologizes, ponders and improves.


Such a rare clean-style film allows us to re-understand more possibilities of Spanish films, which are different from the surreal, intense and passionate tastes of Luis Buñuel, Almodóvar or Carlos Saura. The existence of the movie tells us: Spanish movies actually have another charming look.


維克多・伊利亞特 Víctor IRIARTE


born in Bilbao, Spain in 1976, is an artist, filmmaker, and film programmer. Foremost by Night is his first feature fiction film.